Living in the Shadow of the Exile

You are warmly invited to our annual Gospel Partnership Day Conference on Tuesday 14th May, from 10:15 to 3:45.

Around the middle of the last century, Francis Schaeffer wrote on Jeremiah and reflected on the psychological price of preaching to those on the edge of exile. He noted the contemporary challenge of this. I suspect a sense of that will only have increased in the years since he wrote. So what encourages us to persevere? And how do we equip church members to live in exile? That will be our theme for the day. Vaughan and I will both give talks from Jeremiah.

Given the theme there will also be plenty of time to pray together. And there will be opportunity to hear more about future plans for the Gospel Partnership (including plans for a Saturday version of MTC) and hear from the current cohort of MTC students.

We would love to see you there. Please just reply to if you are able to come.

Thanks so much,
Andy Robinson (MTC Training Director)